The Mind Association

Supporting and Promoting Excellence in Philosophy

Welcome to the homepage for The Mind Association

We support, fund and promote philosophical research, and are responsible for the management and financial support of the quarterly journal, Mind.

Conference Grants

Funding for academic conferences in philosophy.

The Mind Journal

One of the leading academic journals in philosophy.

Research Fellowships

Individual research awards for academic philosophers.

The Joint Session

Annual joint conference organised with the Aristotelian Society.

Mind journal seeks to appoint new Editors

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The Mind Association invites expressions of interest in the role of Editors for the quarterly journal, MIND, with handover planned for the summer of 2025.

Our preference is for two Editors working in equal partnership, though we will consider other proposals. Editors working in partnership do not need to be based in the same institution. At this initial stage we just need the names and institutions of proposed Editors.

Initial expressions of interest should be made by email to the Director, Professor Jonathan Webber, at by 30th June. If the proposal is for a partnership, it should be sent by one of the proposed Editors and cc in the other one(s).

Thereafter, applicants will be invited to submit a proposal. This will need to include the names of any co-editors, associate editors, or reviews editor, along with a description of institutional arrangements and a budget outline. We will send applicants further information about current editorial and operational arrangements at this stage.

Two proposals will be taken forward to the final stage, which will involve providing a more detailed explanation of the proposed editorial team, process, and expenditure.

The Association will consider all terms proposed by applicants. We expect to provide funds suitable to cover support for the Editors (for example, teaching buyout) and the editorial team.

Potential applicants may wish to note that the journal operates through ScholarOne online submissions and is published by Oxford University Press.

The successful applicants will be offered a training period with the current Editors.

Ukraine Benefit Conference

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The Mind Association wishes to share details of the upcoming event ‘What Good Is Philosophy? – A Benefit Conference for Ukraine’, for which Quassim Cassam (Warwick), Mind Vice-President from July 2022 and President from July 2023, is a keynote speaker.

The conference will be produced by the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto, and it will be broadcast around the world on their YouTube channel on 17-19 March 2023. It can also be streamed here:

‘What Good Is Philosophy? – A Benefit Conference for Ukraine’ aims to raise the funds required to establish a Centre for Civic Engagement at Kyiv Mohyla Academy. This Centre will provide support for academic and civic institutions in Ukraine to counteract the destabilizing impact that Russia’s invasion has had on Ukrainian higher education and civilian life. By assisting Ukrainian students and scholars today, this Centre will also help pave the way for a vibrant and engaged post-war Ukraine.

This benefit conference is designed to provide individual academics, members of the public, colleges and universities, professional associations, charitable foundations, and private companies with a way to support students, scholars, and civic institutions in Ukraine.