Mind and Analysis Studentships 2021-22

Deadline for applications: Thursday 15 April 2021

The Analysis Trust and the Mind Association each propose to award a studentship equal to the full-time maintenance grant for an Arts and Humanities Research Council postgraduate studentship for the year 2021-2022 (ie £15,609). These grants are designed to support a promising philosopher who does not have other means of support (e.g. a doctoral stipend, or employment as a lecturer or research fellow), and to enable them to conduct their own programme of research. The grant is solely for maintenance and support of research, and not institutional overheads, and cannot be combined with other similar academic employment.

Candidates for the studentships should, at the time of taking up the award, have completed at least three and no more than five years of full-time research, or the part-time equivalent. Candidates may make a case for circumstances that exempt them from these eligibility criteria. They should propose to spend the year pursuing research at a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland. This may, but need not, be the university where they have conducted their doctoral studies. The research should be on a subject which falls under the concerns of the journals Analysis and Mind, for example (but not exclusively) metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, logic, philosophy of science, and the history of philosophy. It is envisaged that the successful candidate will have recently completed a Ph.D. or be very close to completion.

An application for the studentship should be made by email to Professor Ben Colburn (analysistrust.secretary@oup.com), secretary to the joint committee. It should consist of a CV, a statement of proposed research of not more than 500 words, and an official letter offering facilities in the department in which the candidate proposes to hold the studentship (this should at least consist in access to computers, the library and research seminars in the department). Applicants should also ensure that two references are sent to Professor Colburn (at the address above) by the deadline for applications: Thursday 15 April 2021.

Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit some written work of up to 8,000 words in mid-May. The Secretary of the joint committee will communicate the results of the competition in late June.